Thursday, April 23, 2009

More Bad News

Time came once again this week for my CT scan and a visit with Dr. Amatruda. The days since Monday's scan went a bit like last time -- I didn't really want to get advance notice of the results, but it makes for a stressful couple of days.

And there was not much relief for me in hearing the result, which was the the tumors on the liver continue to progress. Which means that the chemotherapy isn't working.

We discussed the temozolomide, but Dr. Tom presented a new therapy: chemoembolization, which is a kind of interventional radiology (I'm told).

It doesn't sound like a great deal of fun, requiring a hospital stay of 2-3 days. And this treatment would alternate sides of the liver being treated at one month intervals. So I believe it might go like left-right-left-right over a 4-months span, with the hospital stay each time.


Both Angie and I could admit rather readily after we were home this evening that our gut feel, each of us, was that the other chemo was not working. So it wasn't the hugest surprise or shock. It is just very disappointing.

During the day, mostly before the consultation, I had much better little stories to try to put together for this entry: much more colorful things to say (in my opinion). I was going to start this entry the other day after the CT scan, but I didn't.

There was me goofin' on the nurses about my veins that had bled somewhat excessively the previous two scans. Or telling them stories of my days with 3M Brookings where they made some of the tapes being used on me.

I could almost squeak it out now, but I've felt a bit deflated since the consultation.

Since it seems I haven't completely hidden this blog away, and several folks on Facebook tell me that they read it, I'll probably just drop this there. And get Heather in the tub. And save a bit of writing for another night.